Monday, January 22, 2007

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Agloco has sent it's second offical e-mail you may read it in the Agloco: Offical News section!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Agloco: Promo Tools

Archive Of Agloco Related Tools & Info For You To Use Freely
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Sample E-Mails : Replace My Link With Yours
E-Mail Sample 1

Dear ______,

I recently joined AGLOCO because of a friend recommended it to me. I am now promoting it to you because I like the idea and I want you to share in what I think will be an exciting new Internet concept.

AGLOCO’s story is simple:

Do you realize how valuable you are? Advertisers, search providers and online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf. How much of that money are you making? NONE!

AGLOCO thinks you deserve a piece of the action.

AGLOCO collects money from those companies on behalf of its members. (For example, Google currently pays AOL 10 cents for every Google search by an AOL user. And Google still has enough profit to pay $1.6 billion dollars for YouTube, an 18-month old site full of content that YouTube’s users did not get paid for!

AGLOCO will work to get its Members their share of this and more.

AGLOCO is building a new form of online community that they call an Economic Network. They are not only paying Members their fair share, but they’re building a community that will generate the kind of fortune that YouTube. But instead of that wealth making only a few people rich, the entire community will get its share.

What's the catch? No catch - no spyware, no pop-ups and no spam - membership and software are free and AGLOCO is 100% member owned. Privacy is a core value and AGLOCO never sells or rents member information.

So do both both of us a favor: Sign up for AGLOCO right now! If you use this link to sign up, I automatically get credit for referring you and helping to build AGLOCO.


Agloco Tour Guy

E-Mail Sample 2

Hey Buddy,

This note is mainly to offer you a chance to help build AGLOCO – it is a Member-owned Internet community.

Here is why I would like you to help. First – it is free. Second - it is quick and easy to join. Third – AGLOCO’s purpose is to get its members their share of the money generated on the Internet (i.e. you make money). And lastly – if you help build the AGLOCO network you can make much more.

Here is a link to sign up (it automatically records me as referring you with my ID BBBG2476)

AGLOCO works with a toolbar type software called a Viewbar. Privacy is very strict so no spyware, popups or spam.

As to how much money you can make, there is a study which says the average user should get $5 to $15 a month. (But less at the beginning.) Click here to read the report.

How much can you make helping to build the network? The Simmons Report predicts $30 per referral. I have a few, but my friend over at AglocoAcrossAmerica has many. He has a great blog site with lots of great free info and tools and info for you to use.

AGLOCO is in their beta phase which is the best time to help them build out the network. So please join now and help build the network. Have questions? Their website has all the details so go there or ask me.

Take Care Bro,

Agloco Tour Guy

Special Thanks Goes To Our Contributors:,,

Links / Contact Me

Need To Contact Me? Questions? Comments? Fire Away!
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Link Me To It, Send Me The Link & I Will Link You To Us!

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Meet the AGLOCO Team
Development Team
Akshay Mavani: A.K. coordinates strategy and represents our Indian Members. He brings experience as an electronic engineer, and worked in sales and strategy in China and Hong Kong before attending Stanford's Graduate School of Business.

Alex Tsai

Alex is our resident product management guru. An economist and business major by training, he brings over eight years of experience in database marketing, ad-serving and rich media, distributed computing, client software as well as consulting.

Allison Cui Allison is AGLOCO's China specialist and represents our Chinese Members. She worked as a software engineer in Shanghai, China before attending the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Anne Sophie Mayos Anne-Sophie handles AGLOCO's website and her sense of style makes sure it is always up to date. Originally from Paris, she designed media information sites for millions of online users at France's leading television channel.

Brian Greenwald Brian works in business development at AGLOCO. A scientist by education, he worked in marketing and development for several biotech companies before attending Stanford's Graduate School of Business.

Cannon Bonar Cannon is AGLOCO's ambassador within the teenage community. Currently a student at Central Middle School, he will represent our teen Members (and he tried hard to think of a cool-looking name for our company).

Dan Jorgensen Dan is AGLOCO's Member recruiting coordinator. He worked in sports marketing and online advertising before helping AGLOCO create its network.

Javier Alvira Javier is our in-house blogger expert. A native of Spain, he worked as an engineer in telecommunications around Europe before joining Stanford's Graduate School of Business.

Jim Jorgensen Founder of AllAdvantage and Discovery Zone. Jim's experience of paying $100 million to members in 1999 and pioneering the “returning value to Internet users” idea, is an invaluable source in guiding AGLOCO's new Development Team members.

Moshe Pinto Moshe is AGLOCO's resident lawyer, he negotiates and executes contracts. Prior to joining Stanford's Graduate School of Business, Moshe worked as a corporate lawyer and political strategist in Israel and the US.

Nick Punt Nick advises AGLOCO's technological and community development. He worked as a video game designer and online communities' product manager prior to attending Stanford's Graduate School of Business.

Ray Everett-Church Ray was the world's first corporate Chief Privacy Officer, pioneering the field of corporate privacy professionals. An attorney and technology expert, he is responsible for ensuring the privacy and security of AGLOCO's Member information and providing guidance on privacy and anti-spam issues.

Sam Flax Sam is AGLOCO's Chief Architect for the design of our economic network. Sam's 30 years in Russia and then 20 years in the US give to AGLOCO a unique perspective on managing and implementing our database.

Steve de Bonvoisin Steve coordinates AGLOCO's communication and strategy implementation. Originally from Belgium, he has lived and worked on four continents and brings experience in economic consulting and as a reporter for a leading economic newspaper. He is attending Stanford's Graduate School of Business.

Trey Reasonover Trey is our in-house community dynamics specialist. He became a Web 2.0 addict after working as a strategy consultant, and attends Stanford's Graduate School of Business.

We would like to acknowledge the past and current efforts the following people have made to the formation of AGLOCO:

Carl Anderson, CTA Holdings
Gil Penchina, Wikia
Tim Ehrlich, Latham and Watkins LLP
Zaw Thet, 4info
Greg Chin, Latham and Watkins LLP
Valerie Williamson, OSTG - Open
Source Technology Group
Graham Winter, Richards Butler
Oliver Brock, University of
, Amherst
Guy Connell, Richards Butler
David C Martin, IBM
John Shoch, Alloy Ventures
Lars Nordwall, SugarCRM, Inc.
Dave Pidwell, Alloy Ventures
Thomas Hellmann, University
of British Columbia
Dave Robertson, Collegiate Images
Bruce Lacey, CarrierIQ
Robb Watters, Madison Group
Johannes Pohle, Morgen Group
Justin Everett-Church, Adobe Systems Inc
Chad Balch, Ph.D., Stanford
J.D. Brasesco, SAVVIS Communications
Lisa Busby, George P Johnson
Geoffrey Shenk – SEM Specialist
Victor Tsai, University of
, Berkeley
David Steinberger, Tickle Inc.
Jacques Clay, French Tech Tour
Alexandre Gourevitch, Science Po Paris
Richard Sze, Software Developer
Jennifer Jackson, Owners Advantage
Ira Ehrenpreis, Technology
Allen Gaul, GreenPoint Financial
Murray Arenson, Matrix
Mike Depatie, Kimpton Hotels
James Reed II, Plum Tree
Sam Ladah, Haas School of Business
Jean-Marc Mommessin,
Greg Stebben, Radio Group
Ken Myers, Crushpad, Inc.
Brandon Blum, University of Michigan
Gary Capata, Capata and Co.
Dana Duggan, Vanderbilt University
Ilya Strebulaev, Ph.D.,

Company names listed for affiliation not endorsement

Agloco's Vision

During the last yen years, the Internet has spawned a new economy: one where users create tremendous economic value but hardly get anything in return. With AGLOCO we want to change that thinking. We hope that all companies that depend on its users will eventually believe in what we do – The Members should share the value they generate for the company.
We believe that AGLOCO will be a success if we can change the entrepreneurial mindset on the Internet. Instead of only looking for ways users can help them build the company, future entrepreneurs will be asking how the users can share in the value creation.
We believe in a different way of looking at users on the internet. We developed the following philosophy for AGLOCO and we welcome your comments ( After all, it's your company.
10. Members should be owners
The Members who are the source of value for an internet company should own that company. This brings transparency and rewards the right people who contribute to developing the company.
9. Providers should be stewards
The providers of a service where Members create the value should act as stewards, not owners. The stewards of the company have a duty to do what is right for the community, and maximize the benefits for the community. The stewards will act in the best interest of the community if the incentive system is aligned.
8. You can make money without changing anything you do
The internet currently generates value from nearly everything a user does online. From a simple internet search, to clicking on an ad, to making a purchase, someone is making money from these activities. Our job, as stewards of a large community, is to ensure a fair part of that value is returned to our Members.
7. Privacy is not a nice to have, it is a must have
Our Members privacy is paramount. After all, without our Members, the community would not exist. That is why we will never sell, disclose or give away any or all of our Members' information. A high level of privacy is far more valuable to the community than any alternative.
6. Trust is everything
The AGLOCO platform can be a gateway for an array of other services developed to provide both monetary and service benefits. Whether early virus and phishing site alerts or simply a trusted information exchange, Members should benefit from such a community.
5. Every single Member benefits
Every Member should benefit in his or her way by joining a trusted community. Whether earning money while surfing, or giving that money away to charity, we believe the platform should represent what the Internet should be: a source of benefit for a large section of the population.
4. Members that own the community should help promote and police it
A user that owns part of the community has more incentive to promote it and keep it free of malicious software and ill-intentioned individuals. We believe that the overwhelming majority of our Members will want to reach out to friends, family and colleagues, as well as protect themselves from scams and pitfalls on the Internet.
3. A community with a shared sense of responsibility
We stray away from advertising and products that are socially unacceptable. We strive to create an active and socially responsible community.
2. A global community
The internet unites the world across cultures, borders and languages. AGLOCO wants to bridge the divide in global understanding and promote itself as a cross cultural, socially aware and responsible community.
1. Free is too expensive (our favorite)
A free service is always great. However, if Members produce what becomes the core value of the company – as we have seen with recent online mega-deals - then we believe Members should receive a good portion of the financial benefit that the company derives.

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